What will you enter?


Best Constructed Project

This category is for all projects that have completed construction to highlight the success of the  construction process and partnership. 

Please give an overview of the project and why it should win this award (minimum 600 words and maximum 1500 words). Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Did the project complete on time and to budget and how did  it achieve this? 

◼ Details of the transmission from financial close to  construction completion and any innovation within this  period 

◼ How the stakeholders and their supply chains worked  together during the construction period 

◼ How the construction was monitored and assessed (this can  include the use of data and technology within the build) 

◼ Examples or any challenges faced during construction and  how these were overcome 

◼ How the project moved from construction to operation and any  examples of innovation during the handover 

◼ Public sector contact 

◼ Project capital value  

◼ Signing date

Best Education and Higher Education Project

This category is for all education and higher  education PPP projects, rather than individual  organisations. 

Please give an overview of the project and why it should win this  award (minimum 600 words and maximum 1500 words). Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Innovation in procurement, structure, finance and/or  delivery 

◼ Effective risk assessment and transfer 

◼ Meeting or exceeding project milestones including financial  close 

◼ Design quality, and sustainability and the promotion of  environmental measures 

◼ Flexibility and, where relevant, alternative asset use 

◼ Demonstration of the project’s social impact and the  transformative effect it will have on the local community  and/or users

Best Financial Structure

This category is for all financial transactions related  to PPP projects outside of the Americas.

Please give an overview of the project and why it should win this  award (minimum 600 words and maximum 1500 words). Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Innovation in the financial structure – what’s new or  different about the deal? 

◼ How the financial structure overcame challenges for the  project/geography or client 

◼ How the transaction got the best deal for the client 

◼ Where the deal has created best practise for subsequent  transactions 

Best Healthcare Project

This category is for all health PPP projects, rather  than individual organisations. 

Please give an overview of the project and why it should win this  award (minimum 600 words and maximum 1500 words). Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Innovation in procurement, structure, finance and/or delivery 

◼ Effective risk assessment and transfer 

◼ Meeting or exceeding project milestones including financial  close 

◼ Design quality, and sustainability and the promotion of  environmental measures 

◼ Demonstration of the project’s social impact and the  transformative effect it will have on the local community and/or users 

Best Operational Project - Defence, Transportation, Industry

This category is for all completed and operational  PPP projects outside of the Americas, rather than individual organisations. 

Please give an overview of the project and why it should win this  award (minimum 600 words and maximum 1500 words). Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Effective contract management and partnership working  over-time, including demonstrations of how value for money  has been maintained and what, if any, cost savings have  been achieved 

◼ Demonstration of strong partnering relationships with end  user endorsements and/or testimonials 

◼ Examples of flexibility and/or changes in scope 

◼ Extent to which project performs beyond expectations 

◼ Demonstrations of the project’s social impact and the transformative effect it has had on its local community 

◼ How does the design successfully work for and engage its  occupants, visitors and users 

Best Operational Project - Healthcare & Education

Best Social Infrastructure Project (not including Education and Healthcare)

This category is for all Social Infrastructure PPP  projects such as housing, prisons, courts, student and military accommodation, stadiums and  convention centres, etc rather than individual organisations outside of the Americas.

Please note this category does not include education and healthcare projects. 

Please give an overview of the project and why it should win this award (minimum 600 words and maximum 1500 words). Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Innovation in procurement, structure, finance and/or delivery 

◼ Effective risk assessment and transfer 

◼ Meeting or exceeding project milestones including financial close 

◼ Design quality, and sustainability and the promotion of environmental measures 

◼ Demonstration of the project’s social impact and the  transformative effect it will have on the local community and/or users

Best Transport Project

Best Utilities Project

This category is for all utilities PPP projects outside of the Americas (waste/  energy/ water/telecoms) rather than individual organisations. 

Please give an overview of the project and why it should win this award (minimum 600 words and maximum 1500 words). Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Innovation in procurement, structure, finance and/or  delivery 

◼ Effective risk assessment and transfer 

◼ Meeting or exceeding project milestones including financial  close 

◼ Design quality, and sustainability and the promotion  of environmental measures 

◼ Demonstration of the project’s social impact and the  transformative effect it will have on the local community and/or users

Companies and Teams

Culture and Diversity Award

For this category, the judges will be looking for excellence among public and private sector PPP organisations in the culture and diversity space. 

Please give an overview of the company/team and why  it should win this award (minimum word count 600 and  maximum 1500 words).  

Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Why your organisation should win the award for the culture and diversity practices you have put in place during 2021. 

◼ Three examples of where your organisation has addressed  diversity, gender pay gap and/or efforts to raise up young  leaders 

◼ Descriptions of what your company is like to work for  – how the corporate culture promotes healthy working practices such as work life balance or corporate social responsibility. This can include testimonials from colleagues or beneficiaries. 

Environment, Social and Governance of the Year

For this category, the judges will be looking for how  the entrant’s ESG policies benefits stakeholders,  operators, end-users and the wider community. 

Please give an overview of the company/team and why it should  win this award (minimum word count 600 and maximum 1500 words).  

Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Details of your organisation’s ESG policy and how this has developed over time 

◼ How does the ESG policy translate into the project/s you are involved in? 

◼ Two examples of innovation within the ESG policy and how  the policies have been put into place 

◼ Demonstrate how the ESG policy has benefited the  stakeholders/users/wider community (this can include  comments and testimonials)

Equity Fund Manager of the Year

For this category, the judges will be looking for  outstanding examples of innovation from equity  fund managers for PPP projects outside of the Americas.

Please give an overview of the company and why it should win  this award (minimum 600 words, maximum 1500 words).  

Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Three reasons why your organisation should win the award for the PPP work you have acted as SPV Manager on during  2021. 

◼ Two key PPP projects outside of the Americas you worked on in 2022 including: 

 • What innovation you brought to the projects  

• What impact this innovation had on the market  

• This section can include testimonials from the clients  

• Demonstrations of how value for money has been maintained and what, if any, cost savings have been     achieved 

◼ How you have made an outstanding contribution to the  forward progress of public private partnerships 

Financial Advisor of the Year

For this category, the judges will be looking for excellence among financial advisors in advising the procurement/delivery of partnerships projects and programmes outside of the Americas.

Please give an overview of the company and why it should win this award (minimum 600 words, maximum 1500 words).  Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Three reasons why your organisation should win the award for the PPP work you have acted as SPV Manager on during  2022. 

◼ Two key PPP projects outside of the Americas you worked on in 2022 including: 

 • What innovation you brought to the projects 

 • What impact this innovation had on the market  

• This section can include testimonials from the clients 

 • Demonstrations of how value for money has been maintained and what, if any, cost savings have been     achieved 

◼ How you have made an outstanding contribution to the  forward progress of public private partnerships

Future Leader of the Year

This category is for an individual (based outside of the Americas) that has between  3 and 10 years’ experience in PPPs. Nominations  can be made by the individual themselves or by a  colleague or client. 

Please give an overview of the individual and why they should  win this award (minimum 600 words, maximum 1500 words).  Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Brief description on the nominees’ background and their  current role including their contribution to projects during  2022 

◼ Description of how they have contributed to the  organisation – this can include testimonials from  colleagues or clients 

◼ Three reasons the nominee should win the ‘Future leader of the Year’ Award 

Insurance / Risk Advisor of the Year

For this category, the judges will be looking for excellence among insurance/risk advisors in the delivery of partnerships projects and programmes outside of the Americas.

Please give an overview of the company which should incorporate the following criteria (minimum word count 600 and maximum 1500 words). 

◼ Give 3 reasons why your business should win the Award for the PPP work you have done in 2022. Judges will be looking for: 

 • Creativity with proposing different insurance programme structures 

 • A keen understanding of the client’s project risk  

• Demonstration of best value for money insurance  solutions 

◼ Two key PPP projects you worked on in 2022 and why they  demonstrate particular excellence. Judges will be looking for advisors who have: 

 • Assisted with efficient risk allocation between key  stakeholders 

 • Supported enhanced concession terms and conditions  via benchmarking of similar projects 

 • Incorporated best practices from other geographies;  or in other words, contributing to  broader adoption of industry best practices through geographical comparison and experience 

◼ How you have made an outstanding contribution to the  forward progress of public private partnerships. Judges will be looking for: 

 •  Demonstrated thought leadership by presenting at  conferences, writing articles, etc. 

 • Driven innovation in insurance products for PPPs to  lower their overall risk profile 

 • Proven ability to respond to the interests of all PPP  stakeholders

Leading Woman in Infrastructure

This category is for an individual. Nominations can be made by the individual themselves or by  a colleague or client. As a “Leading Woman in  Infrastructure”, the awardee is highly successful in  their career, an inspiration and leading voice in the  industry. 

Please give an overview of the individual and why she should  win this award, using the criteria below to structure your answer  (minimum 600 words, maximum 1500 words, video links and  appendices are not accepted, and any testimonials are to be included in the word count). Any entries outside these word counts will not be accepted. 

Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Proven leadership in the infrastructure sector 

◼ Trailblazing’ spirit and track-record 

◼ Outstanding commitment and achievement in the  Infrastructure sector 

◼ Demonstrated commitment to mentoring and the  development of women in the industry 

◼ Significant deal contribution(s) and value for a particular  transaction success 

Legal Advisor of the Year

For this category, the judges will be looking for  excellence among legal advisors in advising the  delivery of partnerships projects and programmes outside of the Americas.

Please give an overview of the company/team and why it should  win this award (minimum word count 600 and maximum 1500  words).  

Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Three reasons why your organisation should win the award  for the PPP work you have acted as technical advisor on  during 2022.  

◼ Two key PPP projects outside of the Americas you worked on in 2022 including: 

 • What innovation you brought to the projects 

 • What impact this innovation had on the market  

• This section can include testimonials from clients 

◼ How you have made an outstanding contribution to the  forward progress of public private partnerships 

Public Sector Promoter/Procurer of the Year

This category is open to central or regional  government departments, quangos or PPP units  who have helped to promote partnerships and  establish deal flow or successfully managed  operational projects outside of the Americas.

Please give an overview of the company/team and why it should  win this award (minimum 600 words, maximum 1500 words).  Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Three reasons why your organisation should win the award  for the PPP work you have procured/promoted during 2022  

◼ Brief details of the projects or programmes procured or  promoted during 2022

◼ How the team went above and beyond in procuring/  promoting the project/s 

◼ Where they overcame challenges to progress the project/s  or pipeline 

◼ How you have made an outstanding contribution to the  forward progress of public private partnerships 

◼ Testimonials or endorsements from the private sector  partners or other stakeholders

Sponsor/Developer of the Year

For this category, the judges will be looking for outstanding examples of innovation from banks and other senior lenders in the financing of partnership projects and programmes or operational projects outside of the Americas.

Please give an overview of the company and why it should win this award (minimum 600 words, maximum 1500 words). Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Three reasons why your organisation should win the award for the PPP work you have acted as SPV Manager on during 2022. 

◼ Two key PPP projects outside of the Americas you worked on in 2022 including: 

◼ What innovation you brought to the projects 

◼ What impact this innovation had on the market 

◼ This section can include testimonials from the clients 

◼ Demonstrations of how value for money has been maintained and what, if any, cost savings have been achieved 

◼ How you have made an outstanding contribution to the  forward progress of public private partnerships 

SPV Management Company of the Year

For this category, the judges will be looking for  excellence among SPV Managers in advising the  delivery of partnerships projects and programmes outside of the Americas.

Please give an overview of the company and why it should win  this award (minimum 600 words, maximum 1500 words). Areas  this could cover include: 

◼ Three reasons why your organisation should win the award  for the PPP work you have acted as SPV Manager on during  2022. 

◼ Two key PPP projects outside of the Americas you worked on in 2022 including: 

 • What innovation you brought to the projects 

 • What impact this innovation had on the market  

• This section can include testimonials from the clients  

• Demonstrations of how value for money has been maintained and what, if any, cost savings have been  achieved 

◼ How you have made an outstanding contribution to the  forward progress of public private partnerships

Technical Advisor of the Year

For this category, the judges will be looking for excellence among technical advisors in advising the delivery of partnerships projects and programmes outside of the Americas. Please give an overview of the company/team and why it should win this award (minimum word count 600 and maximum 1500 words).  

Areas this could cover include: 

◼ Three reasons why your organisation should win the award for the PPP work you have acted as technical advisor on during 2022.  

◼ Two key PPP projects outside of the Americas you worked on in 2022 including: 

 • What innovation you brought to the projects 

 • What impact this innovation had on the market 

 • This section can include testimonials from clients 

◼ How you have made an outstanding contribution to the forward progress of public private partnerships 

Individual Contribution of The Year